Key areas of specialisation
At we cover a wide range of sectors and work areas, but we have adopted the principle of focusing on a few areas where we excel. Our consultants strive to be among the very best in three fields:

Organisational Development
Key areasHave you looked a the key factors that determine how well organisations learn, adapt, implement strategies or respond to evaluation findings? We focus on the relationships between managers and employees, internal and intra-team dynamics and…

Governance & Civil Society
Key areasCooperation between governance structures and civil society representatives is essential to service delivery during emergencies and in post-crisis situations as well as to the promotion of gender rights, democracy and human rights in general.

Theory of Change for Strategic Planning and Evaluation
Key is specialised in applying a Theory of Change (ToC) approach to strategic planning and evaluations. For ten years, we haved trained NGOs, ministries, and institutions in participatory strategic planning processes and evaluations.…