Checklist – How well does your program embrace young people’s needs and aspirations?
Young people’s active participation is key to empower youth to achieve their full potential and realize their rights. And their individual change is catalytic to support the formation of strong and representative youth organisations capable to address the challenges of tomorrow.
This checklist will help you assess how – or to what extent – youth are included as active participants and decision makers in the design and implementation of your programs
Checklist for development planning
Have potential young people been involved in the planning through interviews and workshops | ✔️ |
Have young people been involved in decision making about the action | ✔️ |
Has obstacles to youth participation been assessed and reflected in the planning | ✔️ |
Are leaders and facilitators aware of obstacles that may affect youth participation? | ✔️ |
Checklist for implementation
Does the participation of young people reflect the demographic composition | ✔️ |
Does the activities enforce values that promote equal and meaningful participation of youth – also in decision making? | ✔️ |
Are the activities interesting and relevant to young people? | ✔️ |
Are obstacles to youth participation considered and addressed in the daily work? | ✔️ |
Checklist for monitoring
Have youth participants shared their views during the monitoring visit? | ✔️ |
Is the location and timing of the project safe for young people? | ✔️ |
Have obstacles to youth’ participation been discussed during the monitoring visits? | ✔️ |
If obstacles and risks are identified, what does the project do to mitigate these obstacles? | ✔️ |
Is youth-segregated data on participation collected by the project? | ✔️ |
Checklist for training and facilitation
Is the composition of the training group balanced in terms of age and gender? | ✔️ |
Is the location, timing and context of the training safe, relevant and feasible for youth participants? | ✔️ |
Are potential participants supported in their wish to join the training if they face obstacles to do so? | ✔️ |
Are trainings designed to attract and engage young people, e.g. by using social media? | ✔️ |
Checklist for assessing and granting
Does the grant proposal describe how young people have participated in the design of the proposal? | ✔️ |
Does the grant proposal include an analysis of the potential obstacles and risks of young people to participate in the project’s activities? | ✔️ |
Does the grant proposal describe what is done to eliminate or mitigate these obstacles and risks? | ✔️ |
Does the grant proposal describe the long-term objectives of youth participation? | ✔️ |